Benefits for Treasurers and ALM Managers

Placement of excess liquidity

The treasurer can place the excess liquidity in Swiss mortgages via the CredEx platform while maintaining the same risk policy. This can be done on a rolling and automated basis on a daily basis, eliminating the need for block transactions and benefiting from nationwide coverage.

White-labelling the mortgage contracts in the name of the distribution partner also allows a dual pricing strategy to optimise the margin, which would not affect the existing customer base.

Balance Sheet Offload

Sometimes the balance sheet structure limits further growth in mortgages. In this case, the CredEx platform can be used to optimize the risk-return profile through balance sheet offloading. This allows, for example, to place the best risks with the lowest margin on the marketplace in order to take average risks with higher margins onto the books in your own distribution department.

The customer and the client advisor of the institution carrying out the offloading are not aware of this. The customer interface, the advice, the processes and the account remain with the bank.

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